Thursday, July 4, 2013

Price Theory: Market Equilibrium (Shortage)

More than 214 countries and overseas territories or communities had reported laboratory         confirmed cases of pandemic influenza H1N1 2009, including at least 18,449 deaths.

Estimating the true number of individual flu cases and deaths is very challenging.It is because many people with flu don’t seek medical care and only a small number of those that do seek care are tested. 

                               Vaccination offers the best protection against H1N1.

                   The vaccines of H1N1 shows a shortage when it just began selling.


Everyone rushed to the injection in order to prevent H1N1 and caused the demand of vaccine to increase. Despite of the increase in demand, the firm is still producing the same quantity of vaccine so the supply is remaining constant. When the demand increases, the supply is remaining constant, the demand will be more than supply and the shortage for vaccines will occur. Therefore, the supplies of vaccine need to be increased in order to solve the shortage. Shortage is a situation in which consumers are willing to buy more than producers are willing to sell. It occurs when the market price is lower than equilibrium price.

H1N1 comes too sudden, it causes thousands of deaths. I think the government needs to provide some solutions when such  thing happens again. 

How to prevent shortage???? 

The government may give subsidy to firm to reduce the cost of production so they can supply more vaccine and the price of vaccine does not increase. Therefore, everyone is able to afford to inject the vaccine and shortage does not present.




  1. why cannot decrease the demand of vaccine?

    1. Because the vaccine can prevent the H1N1,so we need to supply as much as possible to meet the demand.Besides, the demand of vaccine is difficult to reduce.

  2. where is the point of equilibrium price???

    1. the intersection of demand and supply curve

  3. In your opinion, should the government provide the vaccines for free?

  4. why the supply of vaccine still remain constant?

    1. because the capital of the company is limited,so they do not have extra resource to produce again!!

  5. why the supply of vaccine increase but price of vaccine do not increase?

    1. if the supply increase and the price do not increase, may be cause by government.It is because the government give the subsidy to the firm

  6. Is there a shortage in vaccines?
